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Project Two


Faith Sumney

English 1302

Professor Hammett

Project 2


Word Count - 1075

Elderly Abuse Project 2

Albert Camus was a very intelligent and opinionated absurd fiction Author. His work dived into themes that were very dark but really talked about the absurdity of existence, and the search for the meaning of life. This rhetorical analysis will explore and go over what Albert Camus would think or write about on the epidemic topic of elderly abuse and his possible opinion on it. Elderly abuse is such a common problem in the world today. It affects so many families and Nursing homes with its many different types and different cases.

Elderly Abuse is a very critical social problem that affects thousands of elderly residents and patients worldwide. It is a form of neglect or mistreatment that can take various forms including physical, emotional, sexual, and even in some cases financial abuse. The different kinds of mistreatment of elderly individuals are often caused by those in positions of power and control or by individuals who are meant to provide care and support. Different types of abuse can lead to many different things like physical harm, mental distress, and even a loss of dignity.

Albert Camus’s philosophy revolves around the idea of the absurdity of human existence. Albert believed that life has no important meaning or purpose and that individuals must create their own meanings in life. This philosophy suggests that the mistreatment of elderly individuals is particularly wrong as it goes against the value and dignity of human life. Albert Camus once said, “To be happy we must not be too concerned with others.”, This quote suggests that caring for others and what their opinions are is absurd.

In “The Plague” one of Albert Camus’s most famous works, the characters in the novel are forced to confront a very deadly epidemic that threatens to consume their town. The novel explores different themes of isolation, fear, and the struggle to find the meaning in a seemingly meaningless world. The novel’s protagonist, Dr. Rieux, represents the moral cent of the story, tirelessly working to help those affected by the plague. Dr. Rieux’s strong dedication to the well-being of others may reflect Albert Camus’s on elderly abuse.

Alberts’s philosophy suggests that the value of human life lies in its inherent dignity and worth. The mistreatment of elderly individuals goes against this philosophy and devalues the inherent worth of human life. Albert Camus may argue that the mistreatment of elderly individuals is a symptom of a larger societal problem that fails to recognize the value of every individual, regardless of their age or status. Albert’s philosophy also stresses the importance of individual responsibility and accountability.

In “The Myth of Sisyphus” Albert Camus famously wrote that individuals must create their own meaning in life and embrace their freedom and responsibility. In the context of elderly abuse, this may suggest that individuals and society as a whole must take responsibility for addressing their issues and preventing further harm. Albert Camus’s philosophy also emphasizes the importance of human connection and solidarity.

Albert Camus was a very excellent absurd fiction author and journalist. Through a lot of his works, he explored the meaning of life. This epidemic takes away the meaning of life. Albert believed we make our own meaning of existence. Elderly abuse takes away that right to make their own purpose. It takes the dignity and the right to create their own meaning in life no matter their age. Just because the elderly may need a little more help doesn’t mean that they are any less worthy of the right to choose and create their meaning in life.

Albert Camus would probably fight against elderly abuse due to it going against the philosophy he agrees with so much. His concept really suggests that he would be against it and most likely write to fight against this scary epidemic that affects millions of elderly individuals. His philosophy really backs the idea of the importance of individual responsibility and accountability. In “The Rebel” Campus discussed the concept of rebellion, which he defined as the rejection of oppression and the affirmation of freedom. In the context of elderly abuse, this proves that individuals and society much take initiative in fighting this epidemic.

Looking at all of the information that has been put together from Alberts’s philosophy and writings, suggests he would most likely be against the epidemic of elderly abuse. He would expect society to fight against it together and try to stop it. He would probably write many absurd fictions about this epidemic to try to spread the word about the problems society and the elderly face. These types of abuse mainly affect the elderly person experiencing it, but they also affect society all together. Society allows it and that is what Albert would be against the most.

Albert Camus really stood by his opinions and what he believed in. This suggests that he would stand by his beliefs on the serious epidemic of elderly abuse. It’s suggested he would strongly believe that it’s society’s job to fight for the end of this epidemic. He would really back this idea up. He would also probably want justice for the people who have been abused in abuse cases. All of Albert Camus’s writings of absurd fiction suggest this and all of his philosophies he stands by.

The writings of Albert Camus offer a unique perspective on the issue of elderly abuse. His philosophy of the absurd highlights the inherent value and dignity of every individual, regardless of their age or status. The mistreatment of elderly individuals represents a violation of this principle and devalues the worth of human life. Albert Camus’s belief in individual responsibility and accountability suggests that individuals and society all together must fight and take responsibility for solving this epidemic issue. The mistreatment of elderly individuals is a serious social issue that must be addressed and solved. By looking at all of Alberts’s beliefs we gain and realize a deeper understanding of the importance of recognizing the value and dignity of human life, taking responsibility for our actions and the actions of others, and working together to create a more safe society. The mistreatment of elderly individuals is not only a violation of their rights but also a violation of shared humanity the elderly have a right to. Albert would believe we must come together to address this issue and ensure that all individuals, regardless of their age or status. They should all be treated with the respect they deserve.

Work Cited

-Campus and the Absurd. “, 2015,

-Cruickshank, John. “Albert Camus | Biography & Works. “Encyclopedia Britannica,

-King, Panama’s. “Albert Camus and the Problem of Absurdity | OUPblog.” OUPblog, 25 May

2019, blog.

-National Institute of Aging. “Elder Abuse.” National Institute on Aging, 29 July 2020

-Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect | Warning Signs & Legal Help for Family.” Sokolove

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